Monday, February 24, 2020

Controlling Extraneous Variables in Research Coursework - 2

Controlling Extraneous Variables in Research - Coursework Example They do it based on the rational analysis and past occurrence. After spotting the extraneous variables, they can be regulated through grasping a variable steady. Another way of controlling the extraneous variables is through building a consistent environment and system to ensure that all variables are equal in every condition. Researchers have also embarked on random assignments where a group of researchers takes part in the same research. In random research, different researchers or groups are assigned to perform the task where a mathematical theory is applied to conduct the research. Â  In the article, a hypothetical construct has been identified as an extraneous variable, it is not seen directly. However, there are dimensions that have been formed to help learn hypothetical constructs in a more systematic way. Researchers use different techniques to address the issues related to the extraneous variables such as standardization that is mostly used in survey analysis. Researchers also ensure those extraneous variables are kept the same for all the research parts. It also requires the researchers to be aware of the extraneous variable especially throughout the design phase and be able to control it. Balancing the variable across the research stages also reduce the chances for the influence of the research by an extraneous variable. The balancing enables comparison between the research groups and stages.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Why Divorce Rates Increased Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Why Divorce Rates Increased - Essay Example Coming to South American countries, divorce rates increased from 0.21 to 0.7 in Mexico, from 0.17 to 1.9 in Costa Rica, from 0.36 to 1.2 in Trinidad, and from 0.28 to 0.7 in Jamaica (Lamb, 196). These figures show that this phenomenon is some what universal. Lamb has listed the reasons for this social change as â€Å"delays in age at first marriage, rising non-marital cohabitation, and increases in non-marital births† which are again caused by â€Å"women’s growing education and economic independence, a decline in religious influence, an increase in individualism, and a corresponding decline in communalism (196). The risk factors that bring about a divorce as identified by researchers also constitute a very long list (qtd. In Lamb, 197). This list includes, factors like: Marrying a teenager, being poor, having a low level of education, having no children from the marriage, bringing children from a previous union into the marriage, being in a second or higher order marriage, cohabiting prior to marriage, having no religious affiliation, not sharing the same religion with one’s spouse, living in an urban area, and growing up in a household without two continuously married parents (Lamb, 197-198). Other findings of social science research in this regard have suggested that education has a positive association with the risk of divorce (qtd. by Lamb, 198). Many predictive factors of divorce have been identified as well. These comprise of â€Å"frequent arguments, repeated expressions of negative affect, domestic violence, infidelity, and low levels of emotional support, commitment, love and trust between spouses (qtd. by Lamb, 198). When we look into the consequences of divorce on adults, many findings are there to suggest that divorced individuals are in general having lower psychological health and physical health as compared to continuously married people (qtd. by Lamb, 199). This phenomenon can be